Is DHS preparing for War against our Citizens?

Too many Bullets I try not to get into too many conspiracy theory or scary topics but the article below and about 100 other articles from as many as 100 sources that I have recently read, lead me to believe there is something going on. Department of homeland Security arming and preparing for civil unrest… Continue reading Is DHS preparing for War against our Citizens?

Email showing Water and Aspirin at night may save lives.

Subject: WATER & ASPIRIN I recently received this and was told to pass it on. When to Drink Water? How many folks do you know who say they don’t want to drink anything before going to bed because they’ll have to get up during the night!! Heart Attack and Water – I never knew all of this !… Continue reading Email showing Water and Aspirin at night may save lives.

Processed meats declared too Dangerous for Human Comsumption This link is really worth clicking and reading.  Hot dogs and the like are hurting us and increasing our risk of cancer.  I did not write this, I just read this informative article below The World Cancer Research Fund recently completed a detailed review of 7,000 clinical studies covering links between diet and cancer.… Continue reading Processed meats declared too Dangerous for Human Comsumption

Better information for the discerning Individual

Better information for the discerning Individual is our goal. Better information and facts to live by and to learn. Life health and wealth are all goals we need good information on to maximize our individual lives. Every person is different and has different needs but the basics are the same. Here we can all share… Continue reading Better information for the discerning Individual