Expect to Be Fed: Thoughts About Matthew 15:35-37

“And He directed the multitude to sit down on the ground; and He took the seven loaves and the fish, and giving thanks, He broke them and started giving them to the disciples, and the disciples in turn, to the multitudes. And they all ate, and were satisfied, and they picked up what was left over of the broken pieces, seven large baskets full.”

Matthew 15:35-37

[Note: These are the words of God whispered to my heart after I read the above Scripture. I first prayed James 1:21, asking God to help me put aside all filthiness in the moral cesspool of this fallen world and all evil influence and humbly receive His Word, as His Spirit implants it into my mind to transform the way I think.]

“My Son expected another feeding miracle, and why not? With My power available to Him, He had already fed 5,000 people in the last chapter. Stop and recall a few of the miracles I have performed in your own life. Why not ask for more? You will never fathom the depths of My miracle-making power, nor My desire to bless you.

“Jesus acted out of compassion, not pity. Do not pity people, have compassion for them. His compassion stirred His heart and activated My power once again. It works the same in your life. Your compassion stirs both our hearts and activates My power when you ask. My power through Jesus healed everyone who came to Him, asking for help and expecting to be healed. Let Me stir your heart with this same compassion to help those in need. When Jesus directed the multitude to sit down, He was testing their faith and obedience. Their obedience meant they were expecting to be fed, and therefore they sat down and waited.

“When you open My Word each morning for meditation, and you put the head of the pen onto the paper to journal My exact Words, don’t you expect Me to speak personally to you? It has nothing to do with magic. It has everything to do with faith. This morning when you poured your coffee, you put the spout into the cup, expecting gravity to push the coffee out of the pot and into the cup as it does every morning, right? Once you observe My Law of gravity, you believe in it, right? Once you observe My ways, hear My voice, and embrace My Spirit, you can also expect Me to be there for you. Since I am immutable and will never change, you can count on Me.

“Come into my presence, expecting Me to love you, accept you, embrace you, and fill your cup with My presence. Ask Me for anything according to My will and purpose. Step out, expecting it to happen.”

[Note: This is my response to God’s personal words whispered to my heart.]

“Father, I have set You before me this morning, asking to be fed, and it was delicious! I asked to be embraced, and it was incredible! Reveal to me more of Your will and purpose–all that I can handle. Feed others through me. Make Your supernatural, life-changing, heart-rending truth known to us today. Sweeten it with Your grace. Bring healing to those with broken hearts and shattered dreams. You know them and You love them. Teach me to love them as well. Cause Jesus, the Word made flesh, to satisfy their souls. Restore their vision, their purpose, and their calling to help others in need. Be honored in this request because I ask believing that You will answer. To You, Lord God, be the glory!”


Written by Bill Yancey

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